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CrystalEyes VR

StereoGraphics Corporation

CrystalEyes VR provides high-resolution, full-color, affordable stereovirtual reality. The system offers head tracking with six degrees offreedom and rapid response. CrystalEyes VR changes the perspective ofthe image without having to touch a mouse, joystick or keyboard, allowingthe user to literally "look around" the objects displayed on the monitor.As the user's head moves from side to side, closer to or further awayfrom the monitor, the image on the display changes its perspective,giving the convincing illusion that the image is as real as life itself.Thus, the user's hands are left free to manipulate the data, not theviewpoint. Multiple users can simultaneously enter your virtual world --CrystalEyes supports any number of viewers. Simulation, missionplanning, design and automation, entertainment, robotics, andcomputational fluid dynamics are just a few important applications forCrystalEyes VRTo track the CrystalEyes eyewear in three-dimensional space, anultrasound array configured as a triangle of three speakers sits on topof the monitor. It sends signals along a line of sight to microphonesincorporated in the eyewear. These microphones sample the transmittedsignals 50 times per second.The triangle ultrasound array and eyewear microphones are connected to acontrol unit via flexible cables. The control unit converts detectedphase differences into spatial information, thus tracking the user's headposition and allowing software to rapidly calculate new perspectiveviews.Because CrystalEyes VR uses ultrasound technology to detect headposition, it will not interfere with devices using infrared, electric, ormagnetic fields.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Display algorithm available from StereoGraphics. Stereo-ready monitor required.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

StereoGraphics Corporation
2171 E Francisco Blvd
San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone: (415) 459-4500
        (800) 783-2660
Fax: (415) 459-3020